Meloni denuncia mesi di diffamazione anche sui famigliari: Arianna penalizzata a causa della sua parentela

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaks during durante lthe national assembly of Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) in Rome 12 September 2023. Premier Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday expressed solidarity for Libya after it was hit by a deadly wave of floods and said she has told Italy's civil protection department to provide assistance. ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy party, has once again defended her family members, this time in front of the party’s assembly. In her speech, she commented on the attacks that have targeted her sister, Arianna Meloni, who was recently appointed as the party’s membership coordinator. Meloni stated that there have been continuous scandalous campaigns, investigations, and demands for resignations. She believes that every single party member has been scrutinized, while her personal history has been examined since the day she was born. However, Meloni argues that these attacks, even on her family members, have only backfired, as they have only proven that she is exactly the person she claims to be. She also addressed the accusations of a closed, family-oriented party, stating that they are baseless.

Meloni spoke about the attacks on her sister, Arianna Meloni, who has been a party member since the age of 17. She clarified that her sister’s role as a political secretary has been deliberately and instrumentally confused with that of the party’s secretary. Despite the continuous personal attacks, Meloni assured that they will not respond to these provocations. They do not have time to engage in mudslinging, as they are focused on flying high and looking far into the future. They are committed to long-term projects, building brick by brick, and providing Italy with a strategy it has been lacking for years, a sense of pride it had forgotten, and the stability that is the foundation for any real change.

Meloni also highlighted the measures taken by her government in its almost first year in power. She stated that after years of resignation, Italy seems to be regaining hope. While the economic situation is difficult, the Italian GDP remains above the European average. Meloni expressed her anger towards the opposition, who celebrate every minor difficulty faced by Italy. She criticized those who cheer for Italy’s failures and open bottles of champagne when there is a slight contraction in GDP. Looking ahead to the autumn, the government’s focus is on the economic budget, which Meloni referred to as the real challenge. Once the timing is squared away, they will embark on a year of major reforms and the Mattei plan.

Meloni defended some of the key measures implemented by her government, such as the taxation on banks’ windfall profits. She explained that the criticism stems from the opposition’s lack of courage. She firmly supports this measure, which is not punitive but rather signifies the end of a strong state that favors the weak and is weak with the strong. Meloni also addressed the recent controversies surrounding party appointments. She questioned why someone like Formigli should be in charge of communication for the Brothers of Italy party when they have Fazzolari.

Regarding the internal organization of the party, Meloni discussed her dual role as both the party’s president and the prime minister. She emphasized that in their party, there is no secretary. The president is Giorgia Meloni, and she will continue to fulfill that role until the party decides otherwise. Meloni expressed her intention to remain the president of the Brothers of Italy party. She suggested that the nervousness surrounding these appointments may be due to a world that is resistant to the temptations and interests of lobbyists who have controlled the institutions of the Republic for years. She proudly stated that she cannot be blackmailed and can remain honest.

Photo credits: ANSA/Massimo Percossi | Giorgia Meloni during the Brothers of Italy assembly.

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