Temptation Island: Giuseppe e Gabriela si sposano – La sorprendente proposta

Gabriela Chieffo and Giuseppe Ferrara are getting married. The couple became known to the Italian public for their participation in the latest edition of Temptation Island. Today, September 12th, the episode of Uomini e Donne aired, in which the couples from the summer program were guests. Giuseppe took the opportunity to propose to his beloved Gabriela. The couple caused a lot of discussion during the show – especially because of his behavior – but they were also one of the most beloved couples. After leaving the show separately at the confrontation bonfire, they found each other again and are now more in love than ever.

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Temptation Island Gabriela and Giuseppe: the proposal during Uomini e Donne

When the couple arrived in the Uomini e Donne studio, Giuseppe admitted to being a bit tense and anxious. Then suddenly he caught Maria De Filippi’s attention and asked if he could step out for a moment because he needed to go to the bathroom. Everyone in the studio burst into laughter. When Gabriela was left alone, a video started with a long letter from Giuseppe. “You, Gabriela, are the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me in life. You are my life, you were my first girlfriend and you will be the only one. And also the last one. […] A few mornings ago, I told you a lie, but I didn’t do anything stupid.” Giuseppe returned to the studio and got down on one knee and said, “The other morning I told you a lie and I went to the store to get this.” And he opened a little box that contained a ring: “I want to ask you if you want to marry me, if you want to become my wife.” Gabriela responded with a kiss.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Uomini e Donne (@uominiedonne)

Gabriela and Giuseppe’s wedding: web comments

Everyone was very moved by this beautiful marriage proposal. There were many well wishes and congratulations from the web. But there were also ironic comments, highlighting Giuseppe’s grammatical errors, as we saw during Temptation Island, he is certainly not a great intellectual of the Italian language. For example, a user wrote: “Let’s leave the past behind,” “Let’s start over by getting married, let’s leave the past behind and without doing anything stupid, I know you can trust me” and then again: “à fatt a scemità” (he made a stupid mistake).

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