Giulia Salemi lascia il Gf Vip: nuovo ruolo come opinionista a La Vita in Diretta

Giulia Salemi, the former contestant of Grande Fratello Vip, seems ready to embrace a new role, one that is more serious and rigorous. After months of speculation, the young influencer confirmed her permanent departure from the reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini and from Mediaset. She has now embarked on a new adventure as part of Alberto Martano’s team on La Vita in Diretta. Salemi made her debut on the show on Saturday, September 16th, as an opinionist alongside Anna Pettinelli and Barbara De Rossi. It has also been confirmed that she will be present in the next three episodes of the program, alongside Matanano, to comment on the main news stories.

In her debut as an opinionist on La Vita in Diretta, Giulia Salemi had the opportunity to comment on various news stories. From the role of pets in families, which allowed her to express her strong desire for motherhood, to the serious situation of women in Iran, a topic she often speaks about due to her personal experience (her mother fled the country during the revolution). It is in this topic that Salemi shows a new side of herself – more austere, controlled, and mature. She never says a word out of place. This seems to mark not only another success for her, but also the beginning of a new and prosperous career. Goodbye Mediaset, Giulia Salemi seems to have found her place in Rai.

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