Iva Zanicchi: un discorso inaspettato su Berlusconi lascia Toffanin senza parole.

Iva Zanicchi’s latest appearance on Verissimo was filled with awkward moments. The singer and former parliamentarian began talking about her career and personal life when, out of nowhere, she went on a long tribute to Silvio Berlusconi, who, as we all know, is Silvia Toffanin’s father-in-law. A sense of discomfort filled the studio, with even Zanicchi herself realizing it during her speech. Toffanin, the host of Verissimo, didn’t utter a word. Not one.

Basically, Zanicchi decided to bring up the topic of the former Prime Minister, even though there was no specific question about him. She said what she wanted without any interruption from Toffanin, who seemed shocked and speechless (probably not expecting such a monologue). Zanicchi then closed the topic on her own, and Toffanin quickly changed the subject.

After talking about Cutugno, Zanicchi shifted to Berlusconi:

“If you allow me, I would like to say something. I want to remember someone dear to me, and also to you, more to you than to me, Silvio Berlusconi. I’m sorry if I’m talking about this here. I cared about him. However, in the beautiful eulogy given by the bishop at the funeral, one thing was omitted: that he was incredibly kind, the most generous man I’ve ever met. He did so much charity work without anyone knowing. You know, when I used to go abroad, for example, when they confiscated my passport and that of all the musicians to avoid paying us, I would think to myself: ‘Now I’ll call Berlusconi so he can come and get me.’ With his absence, we have lost a support.”

Zanicchi continued her monologue, recalling times when she had the chance to speak to Berlusconi before he passed away. Once, he contacted her after her experience on Dancing with the Stars. They joked on the phone: “He told me he tells jokes better than me.” The second time was when the Cav gifted her two still-life paintings.

She then concluded: “I’m talking about this here, I know I shouldn’t have. I see Silvia is slightly embarrassed, she has a tear. Anyway, Silvio, I have always respected you and cared for you.” As soon as Zanicchi fell silent, Toffanin broke her silence and immediately shifted the focus to another topic: “Shall we talk about love?” Of course, the host doesn’t hold any grudges against her former father-in-law. She has always been modest and private about personal and family matters. Perhaps Zanicchi could have delivered her monologue elsewhere.

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