“Beatrice Luzzi svela la verità su Rosy Chin nel Grande Fratello”

Beatrice Luzzi and Rosy Chin had a confrontation in the Mystery Room of Grande Fratello. Here’s what they said to each other.

It seems like Beatrice Luzzi and Rosy Chin just can’t get along in Grande Fratello. After a previous argument in the house, this was further confirmed in the episode that aired on Monday, September 18. Alfonso Signorini, the host of the reality show, called Beatrice and Rosy to the mystery room for a confrontation.

In the Mediaset reality show, a video was aired where Rosy talks about her roommate, telling the other contestants how she has been good and respectful towards her: “Her mission is to wear me out. We’re in a game and the pieces are moving. Until now, I think I have been a nice, good, empathetic person, even by not nominating her. I haven’t nominated her to give her a second chance. She scrutinizes and judges,” she said.

The actress then replied, commenting on the video and explaining what she believes are the flaws of the chef. According to her, the chef is too exuberant and exaggerated in her reactions, coming across as too theatrical: “The problem is that I can’t stand how she is too exuberant and egocentric. Sometimes, it’s also forced for me. She exaggerates in her screams, in her reactions. In my opinion, she is a bit too theatrical. Is my mission to ruin or wear out Rosy? Absolutely not. She involves many people, conspires, and that bothers me,” she said.

The relationship between Beatrice and Rosy doesn’t seem to be the best. Who knows if, in the upcoming episodes, the two contestants will be able to find common ground or if they will continue to clash inside Grande Fratello. We will have to wait for the next episodes to see how this situation evolves.

Rosy Chin and the rumor about her restaurant

Beyond what happened in the house with Beatrice Luzzi, Rosy Chin has recently been at the center of a particular rumor. It seems that in her restaurant, there is a reserved table every night for Fedez and Chiara Ferragni, in case they decide to show up. Regardless of the veracity of this rumor, Rosy Chin is a popular name when it comes to cooking. The reality show contestant manages the sushi restaurant Yokohama in Milan (where she offers fusion cuisine), frequented by several celebrities. Rosy also appeared in the second season of The Ferragnez, and her entry into Grande Fratello was supported by compliments from artists like Paola Barale and Emma Marrone.

However, Rosy has also made headlines for some of her behavior inside the Grande Fratello house. Apart from the aforementioned confrontation with Beatrice Luzzi, the chef recently slipped up during a singing performance, changing a word in the song “Besame Mucho” to a vulgarity. The other contestants chose to ignore the situation.

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