Fedez e J-Ax: Falsa notizia, indagato citato in giudizio

Tribunale Perugia

Leonardo Piastrella, a 40-year-old man from Narni, known as Ermes Maiolica, is facing a direct trial citation from the Milan prosecutor’s office. He is accused of defamation for spreading false news on the web about Fedez and J-Ax being arrested with 28 grams of cocaine in via Montenapoleone.

This false news dates back to February 2017.

Piastrella is known for being active at the time as a creator of fake scoops on the web.

Despite his quick apologies and denials, the false news about Fedez and J-Ax led to him being reported for defamation. In November 2022, the Milan court rejected the prosecutor’s request for dismissal and ordered the mandatory indictment with the formulation of a new charge. Recently, Piastrella received a direct trial citation from the Milan prosecutor’s office, led by prosecutor Isabella Samek Lodovici, for a hearing on December 22nd at the Milan courthouse.

When asked by ANSA, Leonardo Piastrella, defended by lawyer Claudio Breda from the Rome bar, expressed his trust in the justice system. “Once again,” he added, “I hope to make it clear that I have not caused any real damage to their image and to assert my right to satire. The reality is that the denial became viral, unlike the false news. Over time, I have apologized multiple times and made myself available to resolve the issue. Let’s hope for full understanding, considering that the damage caused was objectively nonexistent.”

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