“Fi si espande con nuovi amministratori locali: Tajani elogia un partito solido che preserva la sua identità”

Forza Italia, the political party led by Antonio Tajani, is expanding its family by welcoming new local administrators from the province of Rome. Tajani, the party’s secretary, has long been promoting the idea of Forza Italia as the “permanent center of gravity” in Italian politics, a concept he reiterated during a press conference at the Palazzo dei gruppi in Montecitorio.

The addition of many local administrators to Forza Italia demonstrates the party’s good health, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani. He emphasized that Forza Italia cultivates its own identity within the center-right coalition and does not need to chase after the ideas of others. Tajani stated that being allies does not mean being a single party. On October 14th, Forza Italia will gather local administrators in Monza to discuss territorial governance.

For Alessandro Battilocchio, a Forza Italia deputy and provincial coordinator for Rome, this is an important day. He explained that the underlying idea is to strengthen a great team that is ready to carry forward the legacy left by Silvio Berlusconi. Forza Italia sees his ideas as the framework for the present and the future.

Forza Italia is currently present in several municipalities in the province of Rome, including Pomezia, Albano, Fiumicino, Marino, San Cesareo, Anguillara, Rocca di Papa, Santa Marinella, Monterotondo, Valmontone, Campagnano, Castel Gandolfo, and Tolfa. However, the new additions may not stop there. Battilocchio assured that this day is not the last, as many administrators want to join their project.

The presentation of the new members is an opportunity for Forza Italia to reiterate some of their key themes, starting with the battle for tax reduction. Tajani guaranteed that Forza Italia intends to honor this commitment in the upcoming economic package. They will also fight for tax cuts on bonuses, overtime, and production rewards. Tajani also emphasized the need for privatizations, starting with the Mps dossier, where acceleration is needed.

Regarding migrants, the Foreign Minister, who recently attended the United Nations General Assembly in New York, reported positive feedback, particularly from the countries of origin. The number of people arriving in Italy from Tunisia and Libya is already decreasing. Tajani stressed the importance of hard work rather than slogans on this issue.

The topic of justice was also addressed, with Paolo Barelli, the leader of the Forza Italia group in the Chamber of Deputies, emphasizing the need for the separation of careers and a reform of wiretapping. Barelli announced that an order of the day would be presented for Minister Nordio to commit to presenting a comprehensive wiretapping reform to Parliament in the coming months. Forza Italia continues its fight to abolish the crime of abuse of office, which prevents many administrators from doing their job effectively, according to Tajani.

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