Enrico Papi diventa il nuovo volto di “Tilt” su Mediaset

Enrico Papi, famous for hosting Sarabanda, is expected to have a busy television season ahead. Not only will he be hosting La pupa e il secchione on Italia 1, but according to a recent report from TvBlog, there might be another show in the works for the Mediaset star, also on Italia 1.

It seems that Enrico Papi could be the face of at least five primetime shows. The name of the show that is set to air is Tilt. It is said to be a musical game show, and the recordings are scheduled to start after La pupa e il secchione. However, it appears that Mediaset executives are not fully convinced about the format. There seems to be some skepticism regarding the show’s ability to succeed as a music-themed game show.

Tilt, which shares its name with a variety show on Rai 1 that featured showgirl Stefania Rotolo, is reportedly a program conceived and produced by Enrico Papi himself. The show is expected to feature celebrities competing against each other, but Mediaset wants to review the footage before making a final decision on whether the show’s concerns are valid.

TvBlog also revealed some behind-the-scenes information about the new season of La pupa e il secchione, which, as mentioned before, will be hosted by Enrico Papi. There seems to be some tension between the host and one of the judges, Paola Barale. This is what sources who have seen the recordings of the program have reported, as there is a risk of venturing into dangerous territory.

The recordings for La pupa e il secchione have recently started. Enrico Papi will be joined by Paola Barale, Aldo Montano, and Candida Morvillo as judges on the show. The new season is likely to air in 2024. Previous reports from TvBlog also revealed that Mediaset is working on a more sober approach to the show, as there is a risk of it becoming too trashy. It seems that Big Brother will not be the only show undergoing changes.

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