Meloni: Nessuna preoccupazione sulla possibilità di un governo tecnico. La sinistra continua a definire i ministri.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing party Brothers of Italy, has dismissed concerns about the spread and the markets following the presentation of the Nadef, or Update Note on the Economic and Financial Document. Speaking to reporters, Meloni joked about the opposition’s speculation about a “technical” government, saying, “Have you already made a list of ministers?” She also criticized the left for continuing to make a list of ministers for a hypothetical technical government, while her party is already in power.

Meloni’s comments came during a break in the Mediterranean EU countries summit, where she had just met with French President Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to discuss the action plan launched in Lampedusa. She brushed off concerns about the spread, which has been much higher in previous years, saying that those who imagine that a democratically elected government should be replaced are the ones who are worried. She sarcastically referred to them as the “usual suspects”.

Responding to Meloni’s remarks, Senator Antonio Misiani, the economic spokesperson for the Democratic Party, criticized her and her supporters for focusing on speculation about a technical government instead of working on the budget. He tweeted, “Instead of hiding in a bunker, consumed by paranoia about a technical government, Giorgia Meloni and her loyalists would do better to focus on the budget. If the morning can be seen from the good day (referring to the Nadef), the prospects are decidedly discouraging: the economy has stagnated and the right has no idea how to revive it.”

In conclusion, Meloni dismissed concerns about the spread and the markets, while mocking the left for speculating about a technical government. She emphasized that her party is already in power and urged her opponents to focus on more pressing issues, such as the budget.

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