Albamonte critica l’indagine sulla vita privata dei giudici

Eugenio Albamonte, former secretary of Area, has criticized the recent attacks on Judge Iolanda Apostolico from Catania. Instead of going through the proper channels of appeal, politicians from the majority have chosen to attack her personally, delving into her private life to understand her personal beliefs. Albamonte states that these behaviors are unworthy of a democracy. He believes that there is a strong regression in the current government’s respect for the role of the judiciary. Despite claiming to be a government that upholds guarantees and privacy, they seem to disregard the fact that the provision introducing bail for migrants is neither liberal nor protective of individual freedoms. Albamonte recently returned from Palermo, where the Area congress was held, representing the progressive current within the judiciary. He highlights that in the past, the conflict between the judiciary and the government was mainly related to decisions concerning political figures. However, now any decision that goes against the sentiment of the government is subject to aggression. Regarding Judge Apostolico’s decision, Albamonte reminds us that according to the Constitutional Court, European legislation prevails over national laws whenever there is a conflict.