Andrea Zelletta: Le ragioni del mio essere il peggiore concorrente del GF Vip

Andrea Zelletta, the DJ who participated in the fifth edition of Grande Fratello Vip, recently spoke about his experience in an interview with Casa Sdl. In a conversation with Gabriele Parapiglia, Zelletta recalled his time on the reality show, where he finished in fifth place.

Zelletta described himself as the worst contestant on the show due to the dynamics in the Big Brother Vip house. He explained, “I think I am the worst person to gossip about. Inside the house, we know how things are, but I prefer to mind my own business rather than engage in gossip. I focus on my own affairs.”

Parapiglia pointed out Zelletta’s placement in the final of Grande Fratello Vip, to which Zelletta jokingly replied, “Imagine how messed up the others were.” Despite reaching the final, Zelletta still sees himself as the worst contestant. During his time on the show, he was often referred to as the “bedside table” due to his calm demeanor. His refusal to fight for attention and perform clownish acts may have been the reason he considers himself the worst contestant in terms of dynamics. Zelletta may have called himself polite, but he is not entirely wrong, as he does not engage in clownish behavior.

Zelletta’s partner, Natalia Paragoni, also recently spoke about their relationship after the birth of their daughter on July 20th. In her Instagram stories, Paragoni explained that their relationship has changed, but they love each other even more. She mentioned the tiredness and lack of sleep that comes with having a newborn, but emphasized that their daughter has brought them closer together.

Since their daughter’s birth, Zelletta has always censored her face in photos he shares on social media. When someone pointed this out, Zelletta reacted angrily and posted the conversation with the user who raised the issue on his Instagram stories. Previously, the DJ had received criticism for being absent shortly after his daughter’s birth due to work commitments. Zelletta responded defensively, explaining that it was not easy to be away from his child.

Overall, Zelletta’s interview provided insight into his experience on Grande Fratello Vip and shed light on his evolving relationship with Natalia and their new role as parents.

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