Aurora Ramazzotti: il tatuaggio con il volto del figlio

Aurora Ramazzotti, the daughter of Michelle Hunziker and Eros Ramazzotti, has revealed the beautiful tribute she made to her son Cesare, whom she had with Goffredo Cerza. She shared a photo of the tattoo dedicated to her son, which she completed recently. However, she mentioned that the tattoo is still healing. She had already shown a part of the tattoo a few months ago, in June. Specifically, she had shared a photo of her son’s name accompanied by a heart pierced by an arrow on her forearm.

Recently, she unveiled the entire tattoo, which includes the face of little Cesare. It is a beautiful tribute to her first child, which will remain indelible on her body. Aurora satisfied the curiosity of fans who wanted to see her new tattoo through the Instagram question box. Some of them asked her to show her new tattoos. While she was on the train traveling to Rome, the new mother shared a photo of the tattoo depicting Cesare’s face wearing sunglasses.

This detail did not go unnoticed by fans. Once again, Aurora chose to protect her son by hiding his eyes. After Cesare was born, she had already explained that she would not share his face on social media in order to protect his privacy.

During her trip to Rome, with Berlin as her final destination, Aurora answered other questions from her fans. She assured them that her son is her constant thought every second she is away, even just to take a shower. When she cannot smell him or hold him in her arms, she feels that something is missing. However, she is happy to know that during her absence of a few days, he is in good hands. She mentioned that his father and grandmother are there for him, referring to Goffredo Cerza and Michelle Hunziker.

Meanwhile, some wonder if they will soon see her on television again. For now, Aurora has no plans to return to the small screen. She is currently taking a break from everything. She took advantage of the end of her pregnancy and the beginning of a new phase in her life to think about what she wants for her future.

“And you know, I am fully dedicated to Banano. Soon, I will take everything back into my hands, and I am sure that beautiful things will come. I can feel it.”

Young Ramazzotti concludes by thanking her supportive audience.

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