Bersani sostiene Elly Schlein: il futuro del Pd è nelle sue mani

Pier Luigi Bersani, former secretary of the Democratic Party, is defending Elly Schlein. The politician from Emilia-Romagna says that “we need to wake up.” Starting from a point, “those of my generation and adjacent ones – politicians, commentators, journalists – need to change their perspective. And they should choose bifocal lenses at least. In Italy, there is a generational gap in terms of culture, politics, and language that cannot be ignored.” If commentators had the right lenses and looked at Schlein from a different angle, “they would realize that the concerns of some of our generations are the hope of the new ones,” he explains to Repubblica. According to Bersani, there is a part of the establishment that treats the new secretary of the Democratic Party as a “caricature.”

On the other hand, she “understands two things: we need to reconnect the Democratic Party to its real and potential world, which has experienced a deep division. And then, build an alternative field, while keeping the party open. I joined the Communist Party when Berlinguer said: come in and change us. In order to avoid empty talk, we need to get rid of this nonsense of dialectics between moderates and radicals, which is ridiculous in the face of a far-right that is sinking the country. These are internal positions that disappear when we address issues such as work, healthcare, rights, and weapons.” According to Bersani, the divided and hesitant Democratic Party is “the usual argument of the right. But if we compete with opposing propaganda, they win,” he adds in the interview with Giovanna Vitale.

Bersani likes that Elly “doesn’t let herself be provoked by jabs, distancing, or controversies. She maintains a united front. Well, she needs to stay on course.” But in building alliances for the European elections, “we are behind schedule.” Then he tries to suggest the recipe: “First: wanting it. Second: starting from what unites us the most. Third: working to make what differentiates us compatible. We have always done it this way: L’Ulivo, L’Unione… In Europe, alliances are necessary everywhere to govern.” Bersani is convinced that “between the Democratic Party, 5-Star Movement, and Green Europe, a solution can be found. But then we need the other thread, the liberal-democratic one. In the past, we have had allies like Maccanico, Dini, certainly not mere accessories. A minority, but valuable. If Calenda doesn’t want to, we’ll have to find another solution.”

However, this solution should not include Italia Viva: “Renzi is going where his heart has always led him.” While regarding Calenda, Bersani says he finds some positions agreeable: “The problem is that he never seems to want to keep his feet where he placed them in the morning.” And this is because “he simply believes that there can be a center that directs traffic. And he doesn’t understand that nowadays, whoever stands a little on one side and a little on the other ends up being seen as the servant of two masters.”

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