Codice di autodisciplina per la maternità adottato da PRG Retail Group nel settore del welfare.

Prg Retail Group, a leading Kids Family Hub in the childhood and toy sector known in Italy for brands like Prénatal, Toys Center, Bimbostore, FAO Schwarz, and in Europe for King Jouet, Maxi Toys, and Toys ‘R’ Us in the Iberian Peninsula, has signed the code of self-discipline for responsible companies in favor of motherhood promoted by the Ministry for Family, Birth, and Equal Opportunities.
“The government considers birth rate an absolute priority, but besides what we do, it is important to involve the business world and the workforce, which we are strongly focusing on. Good practices are spreading, but it is important to create a network. To combat declining birth rates, equal opportunities are crucial, so that women, in particular, are free to have the children they desire without being penalized in terms of work-life balance, career, and personal fulfillment. There is still a high percentage of mothers who resign after maternity leave. That’s why the signature of important companies and the support we are receiving for this voluntary but morally persuasive tool gives us hope for a cultural change,” says Eugenia Roccella, Minister for Family, Birth, and Equal Opportunities.
“The current era and the increasingly alarming signs of a demographic decline, also due to the difficulties women face in managing motherhood, personal needs, and professional paths, require a stronger and more united commitment between institutions and companies. The adherence to the code of self-discipline for responsible companies in favor of motherhood, promoted by the Ministry for Family, Birth, and Equal Opportunities, which we share in terms of goals and values, highlights and formalizes Prg Retail Group’s commitment to its corporate community. We are aware of the role we can play in this crucial challenge that cannot be underestimated, postponed, or neglected by anyone,” comments Amedeo Giustini, CEO of Prg Retail Group.
Already today, Prg Retail Group provides targeted measures for employees with children and expectant mothers to promote a balanced management of work and personal life, as well as childcare. In addition, they offer parental skills @work, a training program to enhance the experience of parenthood in the professional role. With the signing of the Ministry’s code, following the recent launch of the Generazione G – Generazione Genitori project promoted by Prénatal to support Italian families, Prg Retail Group, with all its brands, takes an important step forward in its responsible growth journey and is among the first retailers to sign the Code.