Difficoltà di Shakira e Piqué nel vendere le loro tre case a Barcellona

Shakira and Piqué have separated in a highly publicized manner. Their breakup is certainly one of the most media-driven in recent times. Jabs, old grudges, accusing songs: the Colombian pop star has aired it all, and Gerard has responded in kind. From the player’s infidelity to the bitter pills swallowed in their passionate history, everything has become public, destroying any sense of privacy.

However, there is one thing that Shakira and Piqué still have in common. The singer and the former footballer still own a complex of three houses that, according to the newspaper ABC, they have yet to sell. No posters or online advertisements have been put up to avoid visits from potential buyers who may have the sole intention of entering the former home of the Piqué Mebarak family. The properties are owned by a company managed by Gerard’s father, and the cost is estimated at 15 million euros for all three houses, or 11.9 million euros for just the two main houses – a price that may be slightly high compared to the area’s prices.

The house and the land it sits on cover an area of 3,800 square meters. Designed by Catalan architect Mireia Admetller, it has five floors – three above ground and two underground – with a play area, study area, library, gym, swimming pools, a cinema room, and a paddle tennis court. But that’s not all. On the other side of the garden is the house where Shakira’s parents and the former couple’s guests stayed. It could be said that it was the headquarters of the Colombian singer, as she also had her recording studio there. And nearby, separated by a wall, is the famous house of Piqué’s parents. Within the complex, there is also a third house that the couple had wanted to renovate. But their relationship ended, putting a halt to any plans.

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