Elly Schlein risponde a Giorgia Meloni: il suo fallimento è evidente

La Segretaria del Partito Democratico Elly Schlein alla conferenza stampa del gruppo Pd alla Camera sulla situazione del Centro sperimentale di cinematografia Roma, 25 luglio 2023. ANSA/FABIO CIMAGLIA

Elly Schlein, the secretary of the Democratic Party, has responded to accusations made by Giorgia Meloni, leader of the far-right party Fratelli d’Italia, in a letter to Repubblica. Schlein addresses the situation in Lampedusa and the current government. She criticizes Meloni for her failure to achieve any new policies regarding European immigration, despite her attendance at the recent event in Pontida. Schlein emphasizes that for the past ten years, European policies have focused on border control without addressing the crucial issue of mandatory redistribution of responsibility for dignified reception among all European countries. Schlein claims that her party has fought for this redistribution, while the right-wing parties have failed to do so in order to maintain their nationalist alliances.

Schlein then discusses the proposal to reintroduce a European mission similar to Operation Sophia, which was previously blocked by Salvini. She argues that a European “Mare Nostrum” is needed to save lives at risk, but no ship can carry out collective expulsions against international law. She dismisses this proposal as demagogic and instead advocates for legal and secure pathways for access to all European countries. Schlein criticizes the government for ignoring President Mattarella’s call to open regular channels of entry. She also criticizes the Salvini and Meloni decrees for making it more difficult to save lives at sea, especially at a time when the Coast Guard is seeking help from NGOs for rescues. Schlein asserts that the responsibility for initial reception lies with the government, not with the municipalities that Meloni blames.

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