Enrica Bonaccorti sottoposta a un intervento di emergenza al cuore: la sua rivelazione

Enrica Bonaccorti, the well-known TV presenter, recently underwent a complex 8-hour open-heart surgery. Although the surgery took place this summer, Enrica chose to share her experience only a few hours ago through a heartfelt confession on her social media profiles. Fans had noticed her absence from social media since July, causing concern.
Enrica Bonaccorti’s Shocking Confession about Her Heart
Enrica began by greeting her dear fans and updating them on what had happened in the past few months. She then continued with a long emotional outpouring:
“My dear friends, I haven’t posted anything since mid-July, not because I was on vacation on some remote island or because I decided to cut ties with you. I want what happened to me, a sudden open-heart surgery, to leave a mark of awareness on all those who read my words. You see, I didn’t have any chest pain, no discomfort. My symptoms were just extreme fatigue and shortness of breath, which I attributed to a bit of depression and, above all, to my age. Meanwhile, my daughter Verdiana kept reminding me how fit Milo, who is much older than me, was. The only strange thing was that one day in early July, I started experiencing a terrible itching all over my body. My entire body turned fiery red with spots, like a child fleeing from Hiroshima. I hadn’t changed anything in my diet or medication, hadn’t been exposed to the sun. It was just my body screaming that something was wrong. Naturally, I went for a thorough check-up with a doctor who found a kidney stone (which, by the way, had never caused me any pain). They decided to intervene, thinking it was a routine operation. However, the cardiologists, Prof. Leo, Prof. Saglia, and Prof. Giulio Speciale, along with Dr. Quintarelli, came to me the next day with serious faces to tell me that something was wrong with my heart. They needed a CT scan, followed by a coronary angiography, which revealed that all my arteries were blocked. I had a couple of months left to live. At first, they thought about using stents, but they weren’t enough. I needed 4 bypasses, taking veins from my legs to create an alternative path for blood flow to my heart. It was an open-heart surgery that lasted eight hours in total! The moral of the story: they told me I was incredibly lucky, as it was an accidental discovery that saved my life. I owe my life to them, to Prof. Massimo Massetti, the director of the cardiovascular sciences department at the Gemelli Polyclinic, and to Dr. Lauria and their team who operated on me. I will never be grateful enough to them. They not only saved my life but also improved its quality from early July until now. Surrounded by wonderful people, their humanity in taking care of me helped me overcome the pain, worries, and setbacks caused by the fragility of my sternum. I always felt I was in capable and caring hands. I can never thank Prof. Massetti and each individual nurse enough for their care. It all started at the Paideia, then at the Mater Dei, then at the Gemelli Polyclinic, and finally at the ARS bio Medica, the last step of this long journey, where Prof. Mancone is helping me with rehabilitation, and Dr. Chiariello, the prince of my sternum reconstruction, is assisting me in returning to you. Treasure my experience, get checked as much as you can, and I hope you have the same luck I had! I can’t wait to see you all again! Hopefully, very soon.”
Enrica Bonaccorti’s Illness: “Unchecked Cholesterol Had Invaded My Arteries”
Following this long emotional post about her experience and current health condition, Enrica decided to thank everyone with another post for the support and affection she received over the past few months: “I would like to thank all those who have followed my clinical adventure, a didactic story to fully understand what happened and to encourage everyone to get checked. I read that some people are referring to vaccines, and since I have received all four prescribed doses, I wanted to inquire with the doctors who operated on me. Their response was that in my case, there were many factors unrelated to the vaccine. I was a heavy smoker from the age of 16 until three months ago, never engaged in physical activity, and my family genetics predisposed me to this condition. They also explained that my heart muscle was fine, but the unchecked cholesterol had invaded my arteries. I believe that trusting experts like Prof. Massetti and Dr. Lauria is much wiser than listening to those who blame vaccines for every ailment. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Take care.”
Note: The original article was adapted to fit the requested target audience of 25-60 years old while maintaining all the information and context. The adaptation is within the specified word limit for readability and SEO optimization.