Gabriela Chieffo dichiara di aver perso 45 kg: la verità svelata nelle foto.

Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s change of heart towards trash TV couldn’t have come at a better time. On the latest episode of Verissimo, aired on Saturday, September 23rd, Gabriela Chieffo and Giuseppe Ferrara, the couple who made quite a show, so to speak, on the last season of Temptation Island, made an appearance. The lovebirds have now decided to tie the knot. During the interview with Silvia Toffanin, there was even an exaggerated claim that sounded quite far-fetched. Gabriela revealed that in January, she discovered that her boyfriend, whom she has been with since she was 12 years old, was registered on a dating site with the nickname “American Boy” (one can’t help but wonder whether to laugh or cry). This revelation caused her to go into crisis mode. “Since January, I was in a bad state, I was devastated. Since January, I’ve lost 45 kg,” the girl claimed. But wait, 45 kg? Does she even have a vague idea of how much 45 kg is? If she had truly lost all that weight, she would have disappeared. But it seems that’s not the case. Just take a look at her Instagram profile from those months. It’s true that she had a few extra kilos, but certainly not 45 kg more than she does now. Despite the exaggerated claim, it seems that the couple has found the right path. So, congratulations to the future newlyweds. Twitter is buzzing. During the interview, Twitter users went wild. In addition to casting doubt on the aforementioned claim of losing 45 kg, they also didn’t hold back on the irony regarding the new Mediaset, which allows appearances like those of Chieffo and Ferrara. Not that this couple is evil, of course. Far from it! But it’s not clear why the contestants from the previous season of Grande Fratello Vip were “banned” from every show, while those from Temptation Island are given space. Speaking of sarcasm and irony, there were also several comments about Giuseppe Ferrara’s struggling Italian. Indeed, the young man doesn’t have a good command of the language of the Bel Paese.