Gossip Girl: il video della mini reunion a Parigi diventa virale, sognando i fan

Kelly Rutherford, also known as Lily van der Woodsen, and Ed Westwick, famous for playing Chuck Bass, delighted fans of Gossip Girl with a mini reunion during Paris Fashion Week. The two actors met in Paris, where they both attended the Lancôme x Louvre event at the iconic Louvre Museum on September 26th. French magazine Gala shared a series of videos on Instagram showing the two stars warmly embracing each other.

The bond between Kelly Rutherford and Ed Westwick remains strong, much like that of a mother and son. In fact, their characters in Gossip Girl were closely connected, with Lily adopting Chuck during the series. In the social media video, the actors can be seen hugging, smiling, and chatting together. It has been ten years since the last season of the show that made them famous, but it seems like no time has passed at all.

Fans were not only thrilled to see the two actors together again, but also touched by the affection they still have for each other. The video quickly spread across social media, with numerous comments expressing excitement. Many remarked on how the captured moment could easily be mistaken for a scene from Gossip Girl. One comment read, “You can’t tell me this isn’t a scene from Gossip Girl.” Another exclaimed, “Spotted: Chuck Bass and Lily van der Woodsen.”

The reunion between Kelly Rutherford and Ed Westwick brought back fond memories for fans of the show, who continue to dream of a Gossip Girl comeback. Although there are no confirmed plans for a reunion, this unexpected meeting has reignited hope among fans. In the meantime, they can enjoy the heartwarming reunion video and reminisce about the beloved characters they miss.

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