Il programma ‘Tale e Quale Show’ trionfa negli ascolti televisivi

Carlo Conti’s ‘Tale e Quale Show’ on Rai1 continues to dominate prime time TV, with 3,227,000 viewers, equivalent to a 21.9% audience share. ‘La Voce che hai dentro’, featuring Massimo Ranieri on Canale5, fell far behind with only 1,812,000 viewers and a 10.9% share. Following in order were: Rete4 with ‘Quarto Grado’ attracting 1,369,000 viewers and a 10.2% share; Nove with ‘Fratelli di Crozza’ at 1,006,000 viewers and 5.6%; Italia1 with ‘Sopravvissuto – The Martian’ at 919,000 viewers and 6.1%; La7 with ‘Propaganda Live’ at 756,000 viewers and 5.9%; Rai2 with the New Zealand-Italy Rugby World Cup match with 600,000 viewers and 3.3%; Rai3 with ‘4 giorni per la libertà. Napoli 1943’ at 560,000 viewers and 3.1%; and Tv8 with ‘I delitti del BarLume – E allora zumba!’ attracting 426,000 viewers and a 2.5% share.
Moving on to prime time access, Bruno Vespa’s ‘Cinque Minuti’ on Rai1 garnered 3,761,000 viewers and a 20.9% share; figures that increased to 4,313,000 viewers and a 22.9% share with Amadeus’ ‘Affari Tuoi’. Meanwhile, ‘Striscia la Notizia’ on Canale5 obtained 2,984,000 viewers, equivalent to a 15.9% share.
During the early evening, ‘Reazione a Catena’ achieved an average of 3,854,000 viewers, accounting for a 27.1% share, surpassing the competition of ‘Caduta Libera’ on Canale5, which reached 2,349,000 viewers and a 17.4% share.
In terms of average viewership throughout the day, Mediaset networks prevailed with 2,884,000 viewers and a 38.31% share, surpassing Rai networks, which obtained 2,619,000 viewers and a 34.78% average share.