Il ristoratore truffato a Frosinone: pagato un acconto e poi scomparsi

Il titolare del ristorante 'La Rotonda' di Boville, Ernica Enzo Fabrizi, nel ristorante dove una coppia di coniugi ha celebrato il matrimonio ed è partita per la Germania senza saldare, 2 ottobre 2023. Gli hanno chiesto di pensare a tutto lui: dall'altare per l'officiante venuto dalla Germania (ma non con rito cattolico) fino agli addobbi, la musica, la Siae e le mance per i camerieri. Totale: 8mila e 800 euro "dei quali mi hanno versato solo un acconto di poche centinaia di euro. Poi nei giorni successivi a furia di chiamare mi hanno portato poco più di 3.500 euro. E da quel momento non ho visto più nulla". ANSA/NARDELLI
Enzo Fabrizi, the owner of La Rotonda restaurant in Boville Ernica, filed a complaint with the police today. A couple celebrated their wedding at his restaurant and then left for Germany without paying the bill. Fabrizi said, “In all my years of business, this has never happened before. Sometimes people are late in paying, but it has never happened that the newlyweds disappear without settling the wedding banquet bill.”
They asked him to take care of everything: from the officiant who came from Germany (but not with a Catholic ceremony) to the decorations, music, SIAE fees, and tips for the waiters. The total bill was €8,800, of which they only paid a deposit of a few hundred euros. Then, in the following days, after many phone calls, they brought me just over €3,500. And since then, I haven’t seen anything more.
Fabrizi trusted them “because one of my regular customers, who has been coming here for lunch for twenty years, accompanied the groom.” Did he have any doubts? “Yes, when I asked around, some friends told me that the groom works part-time as a car mechanic in Ceccano. But my friend assured me that the bride’s father works at a bank in Germany and they have no money problems.”
The couple had booked the banquet seven months ago. “They even had the tastings. The menu was all about fresh fish for eighty guests, ten of whom came from Germany.” The wedding was planned to take place by the pool around eleven o’clock, with an aperitif at noon and celebrations until ten in the evening. Then it was time to pay: “We went to my office and calculated the bill. He told me to give the waiters a €400 tip and that he would come the next day to settle the bill. I haven’t seen him since. I called him, and after much insistence, they brought me another portion of the money: €3,500.”
Fabrizi tried to contact them for the remaining balance, “but they don’t answer calls or messages. I think they blocked my number because now the line drops after the first ring.” He went to the police station but has not filed a complaint yet. “I was hoping to be able to reach them or for them to get in touch. Today, the lawyer, Luigi Tozzi, submitted the complaint.”