Il ritorno di Cofferati scuote i renziani nel PD

Sergio Cofferati has announced his decision to rejoin the Democratic Party (PD) because he agrees with the direction the party has taken since the election of Elly Schlein as secretary. He believes it is right to lend a helping hand and declares that the era of Renzi is definitively over. This announcement has sparked a revolt among Renzi’s supporters both within and outside the Democratic Party.
Senator Filippo Sensi takes to Twitter to express his disappointment, stating that when joining or returning to a party, it is important to respect the people who have been part of it and have worked for the party over the years. He emphasizes the need to respect their ideas and stories, as this is how respect for the Democratic Party is shown.
Marianna Madia also responds to Cofferati’s decision, quoting his previous statement on the Jobs Act and reminding him that she was in charge of Labor during Renzi’s leadership. She is ready to discuss what they were able to achieve and where they fell short.
Regarding the Jobs Act, Democratic Party member Lia Quarapelle points out that reforms always require adjustments based on what has worked and the problems that have arisen during implementation. She criticizes the furious attacks on the Jobs Act, including Cofferati’s, as they do not contribute to constructive thinking and progress.
Meanwhile, from Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi sends “a warm embrace to the reformists” in response to Cofferati’s return to the Democratic Party. He criticizes Cofferati for his loss in the Liguria primaries and his subsequent decision to make the Democratic Party lose in the region. Renzi believes that the reformists within the party are being deceived.
Ivan Scalfarotto, a senator from Italia Viva, sees Cofferati’s return as a sign that the party’s genetic mutation continues, disregarding its original majoritarian vocation. He believes that those who still believe in the original Democratic Party should consider this current version as a passing phase, but warns that it is a serious miscalculation.
Enrico Borghi, president of the Italia Viva-Azione senators, sees Cofferati’s return as evidence of the Corbynian trajectory of the “new PD.” He considers Cofferati to be a champion of left-wing conservatism and believes that the party is no longer the home of reformists.
On the other hand, the leader of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, recognizes Cofferati’s consistency and believes that his decision to rejoin the party confirms his commitment to his ideas. Landini sees it as an individual choice and believes that Cofferati’s contribution could be significant.