Isabella Manuel svela una confessione sorprendente a Verissimo

Isabella and Manuel, the protagonists of the latest edition of Temptation Island, gave a long interview this afternoon on Verissimo. After leaving the show hand in hand, the couple managed to face the difficulties and today they appear more united than ever. Both of them stated that they have understood their mistakes and are sure of their choice to stay together. However, during the interview, the two made an unexpected confession that even surprised Silvia Toffanin.
Isabella Manuel Verissimo: “It wasn’t the right time”
Manuel’s sister wanted to send a video message to her brother and sister-in-law, in which she emphasized how much they have been through. At that point, Silvia asked them what it was about, and Manuel said: “I’m sorry I couldn’t give her that joy, and that’s why I don’t feel up to it.” Isabella then continued: “He shouldn’t feel guilty. I had just graduated, I didn’t have a job, and neither did he. It just wasn’t the right time.”
Isabella and Manuel Temptation Island: Was she pregnant?
The words of the two revealed that Isabella had become pregnant and then, given the situation they were in, had decided to have an abortion. Silvia, in fact, asked them: “But did you make a conscious choice?” And Isabella replied: “Yes, it was the only choice that could be made at that moment.” The host then wanted to reassure them: “No one can judge you, life is yours and it is long. You did what you felt was right.”