La crisi del 2011: le dimissioni di Berlusconi e l’arrivo di Monti: l’origine di “Re Giorgio”

Il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, nel suo studio in occasione dell'intervista rilasciata a Bruno Vespa per una puntata speciale di 'Porta a Porta' sul decimo anniversario degli attentati dell'11 settembre, Roma, 10 settembre 2011. "Ce la dobbiamo fare, ce la possiamo fare. Io non ho mai dubitato un solo momento della capacita' di un paese come il nostro che si e' rialzato da cadute tremende, di trovare la strada di un nuovo sviluppo nel prossimo futuro", ha ammesso il presidente della Repubblica a proposito della crisi finanziaria. ANSA/PAOLO GIANDOTTI-UFFICIO STAMPA PRESIDENZA DELLA REPUBBLICA
Giorgio Napolitano, known as “King George,” became the President of Italy at the age of 80 to navigate the country through one of the most tragic crises in its republican history. Facing both an economic and political crisis, Napolitano had to act as a sovereign even though the monarchy had been abolished for half a century. The New York Times nicknamed him “King George” after he facilitated the succession of Mario Monti to Silvio Berlusconi. Napolitano was also referred to as “King George” by his detractors due to his strong political influence. He played a significant role in pushing the constitutional boundaries more than any other president before him.
Napolitano was elected on May 10, 2006, becoming the first member of the Communist Party to reside in the Quirinal Palace. The parliamentary elections of that year resulted in a narrow victory for the center-left coalition, leaving them with limited maneuverability in the Senate. The presidential election revealed the lack of communication between the factions, with various candidates being vetoed. Eventually, Napolitano was elected by the center-left electoral college and a few members of the UDC party. He was the third president to come from the city of