La scomparsa di Mughini al Grande Fratello: Cosa è successo a lui?

Giampiero Mughini, the journalist and television personality, recently opened up in an interview with Corriere della Sera. Amidst all the politics, he also spoke about his upcoming television adventure on Grande Fratello, hosted by Alfonso Signorini.

After appearing on Ballando con le Stelle (Dancing with the Stars), Giampiero Mughini will now enter the most watched house in Italy. In the interview, the journalist revealed when this will happen: “I will enter the house in a couple of weeks, without a cell phone or a watch. I will bring my own sauce to spice up the dish.”

Mughini’s name was among the first to circulate during the rumors about the reality show’s cast. Dagospia had announced his presence, but a few weeks ago it seemed that he wouldn’t participate due to personal reasons. However, everything has been resolved. In the second episode of Grande Fratello, Mughini was introduced as a new contestant and, as he himself anticipated, he will enter the house in a couple of weeks.

Regarding his previous experience on Ballando con le Stelle with Milly Carlucci, Giampiero Mughini didn’t have much to say. When reminded about the “zero” he received from the judges, the journalist briefly replied, brushing off the issue: “Did we really meet here to talk about the judges on Ballando?”

There was also room to discuss his personal life. The 82-year-old journalist mentioned that he never had children: “I wouldn’t have been up to the task. It was already a big deal for me to get married three years ago to Michela.” Mughini also revealed that he has experienced depression. After a period where even going from the bed to the bathroom was a great effort, the writer and journalist managed to overcome it “with pills and the awareness that life has both light and darkness.”

The interview also touched on his relationship with Nanni Moretti and the gaffe he made about Brigitte Bardot. The publication of his book, Compagni, addio, was a positive but also painful turning point for Mughini. Among the people who stopped talking to him was Nanni Moretti. Mughini recalled a rumored argument with the renowned film director. Moretti broke a whiskey glass he was playing with in a house full of precious objects. However, Mughini explained that this was not the event that caused the rift, but rather the book mentioned earlier. “Yet, if Nanni were to come back to my house today, I would embrace him,” he confessed.

Lastly, Giampiero Mughini admitted to not believing in God or the afterlife. When it was pointed out that his beloved Brigitte Bardot will not rise again, he said, “Unfortunately not. But she has become so ingrained in us that as long as a person from our generation is alive, BB will live on.” It is certainly a beautiful thought expressed by Giampiero Mughini, but it is worth remembering that Brigitte Bardot is still alive.

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