Le Pen e Salvini si uniscono a Pontida: un’alleata e un’amica per il leader della Lega.

Il leader della Lega, Matteo Salvini, e la leader francese del Rassemblement national, Marine Le Pen, durante il raduno di Pontida, 17 settembre 2023. ANSA / MARAVIGLIAThe leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, and the French leader of the Rassemblement national, Marine Le Pen, during the Pontida Rally, near Bergamo, Italy, 17 September 2023. ANSA / MARAVIGLIA

Marine Le Pen, leader of the French sovereignist party Rassemblement National, joined supporters of the Lega party at the annual gathering in Pontida, Italy. Speaking at the event, Le Pen expressed solidarity with the Italian people in their fight for freedom and their country. She was introduced by Matteo Salvini, Italian Minister of Infrastructure, who praised her as an ally and friend. He recalled how Umberto Bossi, founder of the Lega party, was one of the first to advocate for a Europe of free nations. Le Pen emphasized the importance of recognizing that Europe is made up of its people and that their relationships are being called into question. She explained that she had presented a declaration of the rights of peoples and nations in France, which she sees as a tool to bring the European Union back in line and regain control. Le Pen criticized the EU for imposing rules that were not chosen by the people and for restricting freedom of thought and production. She spoke out against the ban on combustion engines, restrictions on national agricultural production, and limitations on farming. Le Pen also expressed support for defending the landscape against the proliferation of wind turbines and protecting ports. She praised Salvini for his courageous defense of Italian ports and expressed hope that the moment when Europe admired Italy and the Lega party would return. Salvini reciprocated the praise, stating that the Lega and Le Pen’s party were the right and only choice. He expressed his determination to win in Italy and Europe, and declared his support for Le Pen over French President Emmanuel Macron. Salvini emphasized that despite their different cultures and backgrounds, the united center-right would prevail.

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