L’eredità di Silvio Berlusconi: Quanto spetta ai 5 figli del Cav

Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora, and Luigi have accepted the inheritance left by their father Silvio Berlusconi. The three younger siblings will receive their legitimate share, while the two older siblings will also receive the available share. Let’s take a look at the breakdown of Fininvest, real estate assets, and the three bequests, and see how much each of the Cav’s five children will receive.


Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi will jointly control 52% of Fininvest, while the remaining 48% will be held by Barbara, Eleonora, and Luigi. According to the agreement reached among the five siblings, there is a lock-up clause that prevents them from changing their shareholdings in the inherited holdings, including Fininvest, for five years.

The agreement states that the four holdings left by Silvio Berlusconi (Italiana I, II, III, and VIII) will be divided equally, with Marina and Pier Silvio each receiving 29.1% (a total of 58.2%), and Barbara, Eleonora, and Luigi each receiving approximately 14% (a total of 42%).

This division, which must remain unchanged for five years, indirectly gives Marina and Pier Silvio control over Fininvest, as they will each hold 26% of the shares, totaling 52%. The three children of Veronica Lario will collectively control 48% of the family’s assets (16% each).


The agreement regarding their father’s inheritance states that the substantial real estate assets will be divided among the five children according to their father’s wishes. However, it is not yet time to divide the numerous family villas among the siblings. The agreement signed by the five siblings stipulates that all properties will remain in joint ownership for at least five years.

Silvio Berlusconi’s extensive real estate portfolio includes Villa San Martino in Arcore, Villa Certosa in Sardinia, Villa Grande in Rome, Villa Campari in Lesa, on Lake Maggiore, Villa La Lampara in Cannes, Villa Belvedere in Macherio, as well as the villas in Lampedusa and Antigua, and various apartments in Milan.


Meanwhile, all five children of Silvio Berlusconi have paid the three bequests, totaling 230 million euros, left by their father to their younger brother Paolo, partner Marta Fascina, and Marcello Dell’Utri, according to the percentage division of the inheritance.

With the agreement reached among the five siblings regarding their father’s inheritance, the issues that arose after the reading of Silvio Berlusconi’s three holographic wills have been resolved. The first issue concerned the two bequests, each worth 100 million euros, intended for Paolo Berlusconi in the last two wills, one from 2020 and the other from 2022. Should the two bequests be added together, or does the second one replace the first? The uncle himself immediately clarified any doubts, stating, “No misunderstandings, my brother Silvio had already told me on several occasions, with the extraordinary generosity that has always characterized him, his intention to leave me the sum of 100 million euros.” And so it was.

The second issue concerned which of the five children should bear the burden of paying the three bequests (100 million to Paolo Berlusconi, 100 million to Fascina, and 30 million to Dell’Utri), as stated in the third holographic will written by Berlusconi in January 2022 on his way to San Raffaele Hospital. The will was contained in an unsealed envelope signed “your daddy” and addressed “to my children.” However, only four out of five children were mentioned inside. Luigi was not included. Was it an oversight or a deliberate exclusion of the youngest child from the payment of 230 million euros? The doubts also concerned the sisters Barbara and Eleonora, who, as recipients of only the legitimate share of the inheritance, should not have had any additional burdens. However, the five children of Cav have reached an agreement, deciding that they will all contribute proportionally to the payment of the three bequests, based on the inheritance they received.

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