Mediobanca: L’impegno delle imprese per l’inclusione sociale

Stefano Tassone, Head of Group Communications at Mediobanca, emphasized the importance of social inclusion and corporate activism during an event in Milan. The event showcased the results of a research study titled “Corporate Activism: an opportunity for social change or just a business strategy?”, conducted by the International Corporate Communication Hub in collaboration with the University of Milan.

Tassone highlighted the various projects undertaken by Mediobanca to promote social inclusion, each with a different approach but all with the common goal of fostering inclusivity. One such project, called “Insieme” (Together), has been running for at least four years and focuses on supporting individuals who are at risk of exclusion due to economic reasons or gender differences. This project specifically promotes rugby as a means of engagement and is dedicated to the youth in the outskirts of Milan.

Tassone expressed gratitude towards the city of Milan, which not only hosts Mediobanca but is also considered a part of their identity. As a result, the company aims to give back to the community by supporting initiatives that benefit the city and its residents. The commitment to social inclusion has been a longstanding principle for Mediobanca, and they continue to strive towards creating equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

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