Migranti: Manifestazione a Lampedusa per la tragica morte di una neonata

“Don Carmelo Rizzo, the parish priest of Lampedusa, said, ‘This people have been burdened with a heavy cross. They have often carried it with suffering and fatigue, but they have never given up and deserve to be helped in carrying it.’ He made this statement during the torchlight procession that unfolded from the Church of San Gerlando to the square overlooking the Madonnina harbor and then to the Favarolo pier.

‘Today we are here to pray in sadness and mourning,’ emphasized Don Carmelo, as the torchlight procession was organized after the death of a 5-month-old baby who was traveling with her mother on the boat that capsized. ‘I recall the words of the Pope, spoken here ten years ago: may it never happen again. The globalization of indifference has taken over, and man is no longer valued for his dignity.’

During the procession, the cross was carried by the priest and the mayor, Filippo Mannino. ‘Another death that this land receives, a land that does not want to get used to it,’ the administrator recalled. ‘Lampedusa, over the years, has taught the whole world a lesson in humanity. In these days, we have all been faced with the inevitability of history that ignores political logic and instead requires a change of course, as President Mattarella has hoped for. Today, here, there is a people who have never allowed themselves to be globalized by indifference, but they are a tired and exhausted people, burdened with a cross that is too heavy to bear. There remains only one hope: not to be left alone.’

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