Myrta Merlino a Verissimo: La mia ansia per Pomeriggio 5

Myrta Merlino, the most talked-about woman of the summer, was a guest on the first episode of the new season of Verissimo. The presenter and journalist talked about the beginning of her new TV adventure on Pomeriggio 5, which had been hosted by her colleague Barbara d’Urso for fifteen years. Myrta summed up the first week of live broadcasting by saying, “It felt like a year. It was a first time that I will never forget.”

Myrta admitted, “I arrived very anxious. I changed house, format, audience, everything. It was a first time that I will never forget. My voice was hoarse, something that hadn’t happened since I was a young girl.” She continued, “I felt that I was doing something big, and I had the fear that one has at the beginning of a new adventure.” Before her big debut, Myrta took refuge in her oasis, Pantelleria. She said, “I dedicated myself to Marco and my children. If there’s one thing that really weighs on me, it’s that I struggle to spend time with my kids. I constantly feel guilty. It’s a daily battle for us women, and this needs to be said.”

During the interview, Myrta also dedicated ample space to her family, recounting the difficult period she went through during her first pregnancy. She shared, “When I was seven months pregnant, my first husband had a very serious accident and remained in a coma for three months. I gave birth in the delivery room with my father and mother. This was a turning point in my life: I found myself with two children to raise and a husband in the hospital.” She then described the move to Rome, the beginning of her television career, and the end of her first marriage. She confessed, “What happened to him made him shut down a lot, and as for me, I couldn’t cope. I had to think about my children.” Today, Myrta is happily married to Marco Tardelli, the father of her daughter Caterina.

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