Obiettivi ambiziosi per Innovatec: Ricavi di 500 milioni di euro e investimenti di 77 milioni entro il 2024-2026

Innovatec, a leading company in the field of sustainability and ecological transition, has approved a Development Plan for the years 2024-2026. This plan reaffirms the company’s commitment to a business model based on circularity and renewable energy, with the aim of increasing revenue and profitability and creating value for shareholders.

The plan is based on two strategic directions: facilitating the ecological transition by providing tools to customers for the gradual decarbonization of their activities, and establishing a strategic position as a leader in circularity. This involves building dedicated facilities for recovering materials from the waste cycle and providing integrated EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) services through the creation of industry consortia.

To pursue these strategic directions, the plan includes total investments of 77 million euros, including 20 million euros for mergers and acquisitions. It also involves leveraging the company’s photovoltaic pipeline by selling the plants to third parties or becoming the asset manager and channeling the energy production to businesses, households, and energy communities.

Decarbonization, electrification of consumption, circular economy, and energy efficiency are the foundations of the plan, which aims to increase revenue to 478 million euros and generate an EBITDA of 66 million euros (a 100% increase compared to 2022) by 2026. The estimated EBIT is 46 million euros (a 59% increase).

Despite the significant investment plan, Innovatec is committed to maintaining a balanced capital structure. The net financial debt is expected to gradually decrease from the beginning of 2024 until it is virtually eliminated by the end of the plan in 2026. The company is projected to have cash availability of 29 million euros and gross financial debt of 34 million euros by 2026. Furthermore, despite the increased investments, the cash generation before equity is estimated to be approximately 19 million euros by the end of 2026.

In order to encourage shareholder participation in the Group’s development plans, the approved plan includes the issuance of free warrants to all shareholders. Each shareholder will receive 1 warrant for every 32 shares held, with a maximum total capital increase of 8 million euros, including a premium. The issuance of warrants, as well as the terms and conditions and the proposal for the capital increase, will be examined and approved by the Board of Directors by October 30.

Elio Catania, the president of Innovatec, emphasizes that the key factors of this new plan are leadership and execution. The Development Plan for 2026 focuses on sustainable growth in all business areas, with the main driver being the expansion of energy efficiency services and comprehensive waste management to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable and ecological future.

Pietro Colucci, the CEO, highlights how the strategic plan is based on a business model that is now fully operational in the two divisions of the Group: Environmental Services & Circular Economy, and Energy Efficiency & Renewables. This allows Innovatec to act comprehensively across the entire value chain in the sustainability and ecological transition sector. With approximately 80 million euros of investments, including 20 million euros for mergers and acquisitions, the Group aims to double its business and achieve an expected EBITDA of 66 million euros. The plan also includes the addition of 137 new employees to the Group. Despite the significant investment plan, Innovatec is confident in reducing its net debt gradually, almost eliminating it by 2026. This will allow the company to offer an attractive dividend distribution policy due to its robust cash generation.

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