Paolo Ciavarro dedica un commovente omaggio alla madre di Eleonora Giorgi

Eleonora Giorgi, the well-known Italian actress, is mourning the loss of her mother, Maria Roma. The sad news was shared by Eleonora herself on her Instagram profile, where she posted a photo of her and her mother with the caption: “Beloved mother, have a safe journey to your favorite place, hopefully by His side!”. Similarly, Eleonora’s son, Paolo Ciavarro, also wanted to remember his beloved grandmother by sharing a black and white photo of them embracing in his Instagram stories. He wrote: “Safe journey, grandma”, confirming the passing of Maria Roma.

Eleonora Giorgi and her complicated relationship with her mother

Eleonora Giorgi’s relationship with her mother has always been very complicated. Her parents separated when she was only 16 years old, after Maria Roma discovered that her husband had a second family. However, as she grew older, Paolo Ciavarro’s mother couldn’t completely blame her father. This is because, after the divorce, Maria Roma embarked on a deep religious path. A practicing Catholic and a devout believer, after leaving her husband, she even joined a Neocatechumenal community. According to Giorgi, the separation was a sort of liberation for her mother, who took advantage of the discovery of the betrayal to dedicate herself to religious life.

During an interview with Serena Bortone on the Rai 1 talk show “Oggi è un altro giorno” (Today is another day), Eleonora revealed: “I lived with a lay nun. For 50 years, she never had a Sunday lunch with her children because she was devoted to Jesus”. It was a truly complicated situation, as her mother’s priority was the religious community rather than her own family. This deeply distanced them, leading the actress and her siblings to form a much closer bond with their father.

However, over the years, Eleonora managed to rebuild her relationship with her mother, to the point that her own children, Andrea and Paolo, developed a significant bond with their grandmother. Despite this, Maria Roma’s devotion to the religious world and the church never waned, as can be seen from Eleonora Giorgi’s farewell message, in which she mentioned “Him” with a capital letter, referring to God, the one to whom her mother dedicated her entire life.

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