Uomini e Donne: Tensione in studio, una concorrente fa un appello al 118

Tina Cipollari, the opinionist of the popular TV show Uomini e Donne, never fails to keep the audience entertained. Today, she had a moment of madness in the Canale 5 studio with Elio. Fans of the dating show will remember their clashes from last season. Despite everything, Elio returned to the show and did not press charges against Tina, as he had threatened to do months ago.

The first argument of the new season ignited when Tina announced it was snack time: “I have to eat multiple times a day.” Cannoli with ricotta were brought in, and Cipollari started offering them to the audience. Maria immediately pointed out to Elio that this was a little act of revenge, as everyone now knows that he cannot stand being close to someone eating ricotta due to a childhood issue.

Tempers flared when Tina revealed that she had refused to shake hands with Elio just before the show: “Clowns should stay in their own home. After we talked about lawsuits and everything else, he comes and asks me to shake his hand.” This sparked a long discussion, filled with insults and mutual accusations, reminiscent of last year’s events.

At one point, Cipollari even exclaimed, “I want to call 911 right now!” The scene is making its rounds on social media as another gem from Tina, who Elio referred to as a “cretin.”

Uomini e Donne: Beatriz Already Won Over Maria De Filippi

One thing is certain for many viewers after today’s episode: the contestant Beatriz has already won over Maria. The host called the two suitor contestants, Brando and Cristian, to the center of the studio. After that, Beatriz came down, and Maria immediately asked if she was nervous. Queen Mary not only tried to reassure her but also informed everyone present that Beatriz had shared her powerful story during their private meeting.

De Filippi assured Beatriz that no one would judge her for the choices she had made in her life and showed understanding towards her. Then, they aired Beatriz’s and Brando’s private meeting. During their first encounter, Beatriz tearfully revealed that her mother had passed away about a year ago. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time, and her mother had requested to meet her before she died.

Beatriz did not want to see her mother and confessed this on camera, saying, “She’s a person who disappeared.” Maria’s gesture of getting up and bringing a bottle of water to Beatriz did not go unnoticed. Gianni Sperti also showed his sympathy towards the contestant and her emotional story.

Beatriz is currently causing a stir between Brando and Cristian. Spoilers from the upcoming recordings reveal that she is undecided and torn between the two suitor contestants. This detail is annoying both Brando and Cristian.

Ciro Amuses Everyone on UeD, Roberta Rejects Antonio

The episode began with Ciro and Maria Teresa, two new participants in the Trono Over segment. Their acquaintance quickly ended as Maria Teresa admitted she wanted a man who enjoys going dancing. It was a funny and entertaining moment as Ciro shared stories about his life. In the end, Maria had to interrupt him and ask him to return to his seat to continue with the show.

Immediately after, Maria brought a man named Antonio M. into the studio. He had contacted the production team to meet Roberta Di Padua. However, Roberta was not impressed and decided not to choose him. Gianni Sperti was disappointed with her decision and asked the other ladies for their opinion. Initially, no one spoke up, and the opinionist got frustrated, saying, “Are you all waiting for someone like Sharon Stone? Tom Cruise?”

Gemma Galgani admitted she was surprised that he was very emotional, and then Emanuela spoke up. She confessed to finding Antonio attractive. So Maria asked Antonio to stay for Emanuela, and he agreed.

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